Saturday, March 7, 2015

Taking a break!

I have been posting a lot so I am taking a break to get more Post lined up for next week. A lot of you have stopped by and said nothing. However if you are looking for something in general of books, publishing, editing, etc Then please leave a comment. If you want information on something I have talked about but not posted on please again leave a comment. You don't like a post leave that comment under that post please to keep them in order.

Again please be reminded I am not defending anyone. I have no side and it will stay that way. I can be pissed off at who I want that does not make this blog any thing other then what it is. A blog that talks about what it wants. A blog that can find the truth in what they post about or facts either way. And I would rather have an audience argue with me or ask question then the ones that cuss me and tell me I am someone I am not. (laughing so hard as they try to figure me out) If you don't like what I am posting then leave a comment or don't read it again. I could care less about how you feel about me this is not a blog to see how many friends or enemies I can get. I post my opinions that I feel are right and according to the law I am within my legal right to do so. Journalists, press, news affiliate's as well as others thank you for that!

XOXO Book Inferno 


  1. Taking a break today Eric you should show some control! This is really getting to you? But as you keep getting pissed off again not Tabetha not Katrina and Not Amanda go back to Lepp for someone names this time come back with one that makes sense. Your abusive comments are yet again in moderation and have been spammed where I can keep them nice and safe. Grow up Eric stop actin like a teenager who is pissed off they didn't get the girl so cuss and scream how much they are nothing. We have heard this same old song and dance from you , after awhile it gets old.

  2. I think let the world see his behavior more reason for the world to see how little self control he has, obviously has anger and violent issues. People will see him for who truly is.

  3. Tabetha give me the post on why Thea and Lepp (JT Larson) became the thorn in your side as they have. I want the post were Lepp says pay me for my daughters book which I did the cover for and I will stop all this! I think we need to start fresh with who is the real troll and why Kinship sits ready for the post that will air al their dirty laundry as the owners have done yours. Didn't Lepp allow here say as well as verbal proof in text of al your faults. And I will also. So any one who has anything to say about Kinship or one of the many owners it has had please it here.
    I mean come on over at Kinship they change owners more often then Teenage boys change their socks!

  4. I can get the link off her blog I'm sure it's in her archives. And I it's nice to finally to the truth and be heard. Could I do that. We link the post I made and explain how everything happened. You know I got scammed and suckered too, but I am not the monster they make me out to be. Authors that don't even work at Dark Storm are contacting me and I'm like it's not my business. I can't help you. In fact I think until things cool off a bit Zoey Sweete is going to concentrate on modeling and take a breather on writhing. I will still fulfill my contracts for later in the year and I have to allow Destiny to put my books back up but I won't be releasing anything new not until all this calms down. I sold out to protect those authors and allow them the chance at what they deserve and they are still getting hit. Makes me feel like I did it for nothing. I lost my mom my company but no one seems to care. But I have allies in my corner that the haters don't know about. They sent rats my way I'll do the same. But I'm not allowed to post on lepps blog but I might get permission for one or to private message her. But I do have to ask my boss first. I don't want to breach my contract.

  5. I find it petty that Kinship sits on Lepp's blog 24/7 protected by her and yet you get cast as a thief and what not. Jaqueline owes an author money not just for Royalties' but for messing up her book.This is just not unfair but Lepp knows that. Lepp was served the truth though. It was proven that she is lied to about a lot of things that she trashes others for. Makes you wonder today who she is starting to believe and why she doesn't trust the ones she thought she could?
