Thursday, March 12, 2015

Stock Photo's

Ok, lets talk Stock Photo's. There are so many places to get cheap copyrighted stock that you can do with as you wish. Manipulate, etc.

I find it funny that here I sit completely legal paying taxes on my book royalties. Buying rights to stock images for my books, and this here blog. Really people should watch what they say. I mean I can prove that I paid for each and every downloaded file I have ready for stock use.  It's down right degrading for this nitwit to go on recorded as calling me a thief. That should say enough about the type of person Lepp is. That she lumps everyone as a  piece of crap destroyer of an image who is not no better then her. And well in some aspects I could be defined by my actions. But as a thief, not!

That's what makes this beautiful that I can sit here and watch the lengths she is willing to go to discredit me and what I am telling you all over here. The venom in which she has downcast me and the way I proved she is a vindictive person. I think if Tabetha had the money she would have seen Lepp in a court room buy now. The fact that Lepp told her "pay my daughter and I will make this all go away". Then her daughter gets paid money that the old owners of Mystic Press owed her. I don't know about you all but that's BLACK MAIL! Coercion!

 Blackmail is an act, often a crime, involving unjustified threats to make a gain or cause loss to another unless a demand is met. It is coercion involving threats of physical harm, threat of criminal prosecution, or threats for the purposes of taking the person's money or property.

That says it all, and thanks to one of you I even have it here in a comment as proof!

Off topic... Lets get back to business.

Stock Photo sites:

123 RF
Pricing: They have different options where you can download a certain number of photos a days or on demand. Check out their site of more information

Pricing: They offer images as well a videos. Different prices as well as a subscription for over 750 images a month. They get used more in the book industry then others due to the ability to download and use movie clips in trailers for Youtube.

Pricing: as low as $0.20 a download video or image

us. fotolia
Pricing: check out site as they too included image, vector and video in their credits and subscription's.
I will leave links to other saving time for us all.

See, not to hard to find Photo stock in a price range you can afford.

XOXO Book Inferno


1 comment:

  1. When I first made my business profile for Destiny Rane (Storm) I received so much heat from Ms Larson. She compared me to the woman who actually introduced me to Tabetha Jones, going as far as saying it was her in the pictures. We made a joke of it seeing just how far Ms Larson would go with it and to no surprise she went all the way. Salena and I have always favored each other so when Jt continued Salena allowed me to post one of her pics she knew would pop up. Hook, line, and sinker she went down.

    Of course she believes it was all this massive cover-up and none of what was happening was actually going. I did what I did out of kindness, that is the type of woman I am.

    But I do have a different picture now fully paid for and all copyrights belong to as I bought several for some of my newbies. I didn't change my picture to hide anything, hell my real pictures are still up and I do believe the one we used to play our prank on Ms Larson.

    Several of my authors, like Khloe Hart does not use her real picture. Ivy Sinclair, who everyone believes is Ms Jones, doesn't use her real picture. She has personal profile for all that. One reason behind Ivy' s choice is because of what her husband does and her family is highly against the genre of erotic horror and dark erotic that she writes. Mandy Candy is also a dark erotic author who has the same family issues.

    I have Anna Lovelace that works for several publishing houses and uses a different pen name for each. Of course I have seen where Tabetha has been accused of being her as well, which I can promise she is not. She uses the witch avatar because of the genre she writes.

    I have two other authors I recently signed. I know one for sure will be creating separate account for her author name and has already bought her stock pic, showed me the receipt that she owns full copyrights to it. The other I do believe will use her personal account for her writing showing you everyone is different.

    Just like I didn't use my real name, not all of it anyhow. I used my middle name but it was for privacy purposes. My personal life is private and separate from Dark Storm. Which is why some authors choose an avatar or buy a stock picture. They want to keep things separated.

    Tabetha Jones went another route using her face for her personal and author accounts.
    It really is sad that people cannot write under the names they wish without being accused of being someone else or use a stock pic or avatar for their author picture. That certain people are just trying to hide something or as Ms Larson would seem to think everyone is Tabetha Jones. Just as she pointed her finger and swore I was Salena and swears I am Tabetha Jones. Hate to disappoint but I'm Destiny Rane no one else.

    But as long as the author is not harming anyone does it really matter if they use their real picture or not? How many other authors other than the ones associated with my company have a Facebook page set up just like a personal one and you don't want to go after them just anyone associated with Ms Tabetha Jones? Hmm sounds odd to me.

    Understand if my authors would like to use a stock pic or avatar I have no issue with that.

    Ember any questions you know how to reach me for an interview which I would be happy to do one time answering any questions you present before me. ....
