Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I Apologize !

I apologized Tabetha said then we all looked, well yes she did. Repeatedly from what I have seen. Here we go!

I have a few more things to share. If she paid and she apologized why did Lepp continue with her rampant assault?
Also why does she go to the extreme harassing authors by chasing them down and shoving it in their faces. "IT'S OUR CHOICE""WE DIDNT ASK YOU"
Seriously, did they ask you to kick them while they were down from  your already profound disrespect of their choices? You play it off as you are doing us a favor. We remember that as we remember being left out in the cold to fin for ourselves as we watched the slaughter take place over the hill. Those screams still echo in our ears, can you hear them....
My brothers and sisters whom dreams were murdered by your own hands Lepp. Take responsibility of your actions stop blaming someone else.
Any questions as to who is stalking, who is harassing or who's making threats now? Every two weeks? Why Lepp? Someone different? Are you using Alts?
XOXO Book Inferno


  1. Thanks for showing me more places where she used my name without my consent. Any guests as to what that's called? Identity theft! I'll be turning this blogs contents over as well as the pics with her using my name to the state. Have a fantastic day i know i am

  2. Actually anyone can change their name to what ever they want. Secondly Identity Theft is when someone takes your information and uses it to become you stealing money using your SS#, not changing their last name. Just make sure when you go about your business you have Lepps blog thoroughly checked over also. I have tons of Archives screen caps from hers that have been given to be that have information dating back to Mystic Press and you helping her run that company as well as were you helped a few authors with their struggles "cough, cough" if you know what I mean. They will tell you unless she has stolen from you and you have proof from a bank or she has gotten a credit card in your name then you have nothing but a blog pic of her using your last name when you were still together! But hey you have a wonderful day because when you bring them to my blog I have proof on my wall showing were Lepp is a "Blackmailer" and you are a verbally abusive, threatening person. I believe there are police records out and about between you and Tabetha, am I right? I mean the spot light Lepp so graciously shines on her will know be on you tracking your complete involvement as Lepp says. The FBI and other are on to her, and you then right? They say the truth shall set you free...... have fun! I just post what I get and if you look you will see that my "evidence" is form Lepps blog she posted per Tabetha's agreement to leave her alone. So yes please I am sure Tabetha would love you to bring the police as well as the state into it. Then they can see Lepps work on her blog as well as her so called "deal". You know Eric your selfish act will have just made Tabetha's Day!

  3. When it comes to legally changing a name or using someone's name it is illegal if the other party doesn't give consent. I never did so nice try on telling me what i know is true. As for anything else you think you may know you really don't. I've also figured out who you are and you're just as fucked as tabetha is. Keep running with the dogs and you will get treated like one.

  4. Oh and yes i have records of tabetha illegally using my personal bank account to take money from me but i got every penny back so come at me when you have something credible

    1. I am glad you got your money back good for you... But like Lepp that has been taken care of already its not new you were paid back one way or another. What else you have beside her using your last name? If you have proof I will post it. I already told anon that if I find out that Tabetha is screwing over authors then I will take with the causes. She is not hiding behind my coat strings. You have proof then I will post it but only if it has not been rectified. And don't come at me with the credit card thing I was already told how you paid something or another with it for her and you were paid back. Solid proof Eric that's what I take and post. Your fight really is not with me its with Tabetha but if it makes you feel better to come here and have a row with me then hey I am more than happy to meet you head on. It might look like a Tabetha cause here but really the proof I have against Lepp came from her and the actions Lepp committed against every authors that has/had done business with her. I was one of those authors and moving on from what was done to my name, my family and my career will only be rectified when Lepp learns that she is to blame for the damage she caused me and fellow brothers and sisters. I'm standing up to my bully

  5. You can not copyright a name dipshit.... You can go and change your name to any damn thing you want without asking the other person. If not then every mother giving birth with the last name Henley would have to call you up and say "Hey I want to name my child Eric or use the last name Henley is that alright?" Not they just name their child same as the last name Smith, Jones, White, Johnson! See you were given your name by birth right or not. If I wanted to go to the courthouse pay the fee fill out the papers I could change all three of my daughters last names to Henley there is nothing you can do! Now my EX Husband, he can put a stop to it. And when the last name is changed they are still the same person they were born to be so they can keep their SS# or ask for new one for their new name! As for your threats of "I know who you are" well good luck with that did Lepp tell you who I am. Because as many authors as she has pissed off the last thing she nor you will want to do is run a name you have no proof of into the ground.
    Lets see as of late I am Tabetha(Every single day boring actually), Amanda S. (to clarify) and Katrina (that one never gets old). I even got a asked if I was Salena, Sabrina, Jaimie, Cindy, Lindsey( until I made that post) Faith, Ronald ( I laughed at that one). The list goes on. So go ahead pick a name lets see which one you come up with. I forgot pick three because I am not alone I share my account. Wait!! They all log into it and we all take turns all 11 of us!
    Trust me I have lots of information from three of those names which they will tell you if they are asked that they do give me what I have asked for. Then I do with it as I want we have an agreement I won't shine bad light on them and their past actions for what they give me. That is a deal! I have never asked for money from none of them. You already know Amanda is pissed at someone , Tabetha just wants to see Leep fall off her throne she built as well as the truth out. Which when she gave me what I asked for I really didn't believe what I was readying I mean all along Lepp was going on and on about her. For me to read that every action made had a reaction of hate from Lepp. Let her continue to whisper sweet noting's into your ear as others have seen for every action I have Lepp pushing and pressing. Katrina well she really hates Lepp saying she is Tabetha's lap dog. What really topped her off was when she was lied to by someone that I have a agreement with not to post names. So you see they are every forth coming with their reasons and very helpful. That does not mean because they give me things to post here that I am Amanda S, Katrina or Tabetha as previously stated in past post.
    Look around Eric a few post have been deleted. They came to me for a negotiation I didn't go chasing them down harassing them! Ask yourself if I have any FB messages with you and me talking and I just might tell you yes, yes I do! Have a great one!

  6. I don't go running scared now show proof of these so called police reports

    1. If I had them then I would show you but as you see I placed a ???? mark asking you I was told so its hearsay and not by Tabetha either. I will be honest you and Lepp made a mess over on her blog. That's not my job to fix I deal with my stuff here. I block post when I can be held responsible for the actions that it might cause others. I might not do a good job of it but if I find it offensive then I keep it off my wall. I wouldn't go running scared either but with the damage Lepp has already caused me and mine I must hide who I really am. Really you have proof not hearsay but solid proof from your bank what ever then I will post it. I will not be censored I want the truth I have been waiting for years for it so as it trickles you can only imagine what I am seeing. Tabetha might have her faults but who doesn't. I get you had two years that you wish you could take back those are all choices that were made by you or her. You were both were not forced to stay together right? But I as well as my sisters and brothers were forced to take hit after hit from Lepp and her puppets. Our choice was to publish with her company but our choice of having it all taken away was not our it was made by Lepp and a few others. Keep that in mind Eric I am not the enemy. I am but a causality of a war that was paid in full to the party that said they wanted to move on. I didn't ask for this to be here defending my actions no I am here trying to take back what was taken from me. That name you talked about!

  7. You see ember by you even brining my name up on your so called blog you put yourself in my crosshairs. You alone could have left me out of this bullshit but you didn't. As for my proof,i wouldn't mind showing you but you have already shown a tendency to pay what you want people to see. I'm not taking that chance with something that big with you. If you want to see what i have to offer them stop hiding behind your name and publicly post who you are. Fair is fair. Don't ask for something when you can't provide on your end.

  8. If you want to keep it private then you take the step and message me on fb and we can go from there if not then so sorry but your just as guilty as tabetha

    1. I am truly sorry you have had a bad experience at relationships and that at times we don't see eye to eye. But hey bright sided you haven't cussed me once and I can say thank you for that. I have two teens that trash talk from the time school ends until they are out cold at night. And they are just as strong headed as me! My younger daughter most laid back ever. I know about crosshairs.... not fun at all. As for FB I don't think I will you can email me if you like. But I have proof I keep my word blog post are gone as well as a message on one of my post were I was asked not to post their name. I asked them to tell me who they were so I made sure to do that and I kept my word communicating with them posting here for all to see as they reply back and I still don't post it. I just keep on reply on my post so everyone can see I am not a bitch I do keep my word.

  9. Eric must I remind you that you posted a comment here first before your name was ever posted here. Again you believe what Lepp whispers in yor ear. Her Evidence form her own blog I have twisted and turned into my own doing I left the dates go over and take a peak you will see it for as it is. When Katrina or Amanda stopped over getting me those to keep my IP safe(laugh) I cropped to leave it whole. See every time she post something someone gives her its evidence, etc, etc but when I do the same its twisting again and again. It pisses her off that I have proof, her own words being used against her. I like truth Eric but as for who I am it stays with me. Tabetha as asked repeatedly who I was also scared to give me things that I might use against her. AS you see Eris Kelly did ask to be harassed either but you see it don't matter. As long as Lepp thinks she is being our "Advocate"(laugh yeah right) ruining us it don't matter she is right and everyone else not on board her train can get f****ed!

  10. Eric knows that several authors know that he was part of everything including allowing Tabetha being allowed to use his last name. He wanted the world to know she was his. I suppose that was in happier times of their two year relationship. He was right along for the ride when she had Mystic, then opened Phoenix I was there and I know. I also know know we had many conversations where he said he had men checked out for me to ensure I was safe, repeating that he was a Marine and had connections. He was controlling and he was in charge, Tabetha had to listen to him. I am posting this as Anonymous because I do not know what he is actually capable of but now after knowing the truth about him and how he really talks to women I will keep my identity to myself. I no longer speak to Tabetha and haven't in some time so this is not about taking up for her, it is about saying what is right. I left on my own free will and was not charged anything although Eric threatened me with many things and I feel people have the right to know he was the bully. When Tabetha would try to interfere he would tell her to shut the fuck up and let him handle the business that was what he was there for. That he was tired of seeing people walk and not getting paid. Tabetha herself told me that his bank account was linked to her paypal because when her royalties came in he wanted them. I believed in the beginning Eric was a nice man and an honor to our country and then found out later he was a liar and a con artist. Yet I see nothing about his ways on Leppladys blog. Jt actually goes to bat for him. If authors want to go after anyone for hurting their careers go after Eric. He controlled everything, and if he treated Tabetha as badly as he speaks of her or to women then I was quite wrong about Tabetha Jones. I was told as well she never apologized now I know. Jt also harassed me but I stayed away from her because Eric warned me if I spoke with her I would be fired. Once he was gone things changed the company changed but I had already left but heard things were doing well with Tabetha. I hear now everything for her is doing well. Lepp talks about Katrina conning the con artist but I can tell Tabetha only got conned by Eric and then later on I hear about others. He is the one that conned everyone behind Tabetha's back. Talking to authors about sex and personal lives, I a sorry I was a married woman I didn't want to be asked sexual questions from my publishers boyfriend. I could go on but I won't it will give away who I am. And I cannot afford that.

  11. Gotta love the secrecy with names but nice try there. You can't throw me under the bus especially if you have no clue what you're talking about lol. Everybody should stop hiding behind a veil of secrecy and come out. But i have to remember those that are chicken shit hide behind aliases. so if people want to talk shit about me show yourselves and not some anonymous bullshit. I'll wait for everyone here to grow some balls especially you ember aka ****, i won't throw your name out there just yet but I'll drop subtle hints until others figure it out.

    1. Sorry Eric, I don't hide these types of post I have let yours all go through lately. So much traffic I couldn't even pinpoint who it could be. If you know who I am please fill free to drop the boom here. I will post it! See hiding is the way you all over at Lepplady.wordpress.com call it but when I see a few take off their mask then I will do the same...maybe, then again I really don't have to. Butt if you al have solid actually proof with out a doubt proof pull my mask off. If not you should really leave what is behind it alone. She don't like playing nice sometimes. Or Should I say We don't (laughing too much lately at this farce). But hey I won't be posting anything about your love life just business. Unless your love life effected business but still you not even in my pond of who I will be fishing for or with about and Sabrina, CFW they are all safe so back up a little will ya. I have bigger fish to fry! Here I will give the first hint... I have three daughters 17,14,12. One is blonde with pink tips, the oldest well I never know until it comes from the bottle but today it is dark maroon like, the other is blonde like hay almost. Oh and we have two horses and one artic cat, three four-wheelers for our property. We do get snow... sometimes!
      Now its your turn! Give me a hint!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Nice try to put me on front street but not going to happen

  14. Are you sure? Is that your final answer? That is an awfully well know name in the author (book cover designer) community to be ready to take down. Are you and Lepp sure you can handle the back lash from that if that's in fact who I am? Or the pissed off bees nest you kicked because I am not her? Maybe I should have twisted that to: Can you handle the pissed off bees nest you kicked if that's in fact who I am? Or the back lash from that because I am not her? "Tit for Tat" that's my plan!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. You just don't like being called out. I also have nothing to fear from you because well you can't anything to me lmao. So you started having kids before you were even a thought lol. I don't know who's worse at trying to lie, you or tabetha haha.

    1. Well you found me out but be sure.... see I hide behind a mask for many reasons and one you just might not believe. I could be sitting her behind my computer or laptop anywhere! I see you hit from Tennessee I thought cell phone as your new pics on FB say your in TX still but then again with all the hits you just might be in Houston TX too. Or the equator that's were the IPs for cell phones, free proxy and ninja proxy,etc all sit. No state, no country, no city! all the same IP none different. I did follow this one IP with one of the proxy hiders on it to Lepplady on Facebook. Your stealth leader should exit her IE all the way then reboot the Internet. However if you are piggybacking a carrier then you still have that IP it gave your device which ever. Your just too smart for me!

  17. I don't use anything just my normal carrier. I don't need to ping off of anything or anyone else

  18. You are quite the entertainer here. I have to say my puppets are in hysteric's over this follow through you do so well. I like a game player who can match me as you have these past two days in a none theatric way. What do you say a truce you keep my secrets I keep your?
    Or should I warn authors you and Lepp are on to me? This is so sad though I mean ruin a business with no proof. I do believe that is crime like premeditated destruction of a business, place or thing with not evidence causing harm, profit loss, definition of character. All this with no legal proof. Shame on you and Lepp! I thought she told you to stay away from here it was a trap?

  19. By the way Eric called me out as being Leah Diane Hutchinson. A very well know very talented creative book cover designer. Eric removed it so no screen caps could be made or data saved about it. Looks like Lepp told him to take it back before the hornets nest got him or her.

  20. Nobody told me to do anything. I do what i want when i want. Seems like you got your head shoved way up tabethas ass

  21. Not to mention without black and white proof you're just putting words in my mouth haha. But you did get one thing right i am better than you at your own game

    1. Sweetheart you might want to jump off that cocky train. Who said I didn't have proof in solid black and white. This is after all my blog.... welcome to the show! Haha
      Your Welcome!

  22. Hey Eric did you look up "Tit for Tat"? Its a kind of Game Theory simulated as war to some. I bait you and you take it. Like today you and Lepp had ideas of who I was and you played right into my hand. So no you don't play my game better then me. I Just have a better poker face what with hiding behind my mask(alt) and all.

  23. Denise Here

    I see we have a loser here trying to throw around his all mighty (fake) muscles. If he was to be so smart and with a lady for over two years then he would be smart enough to know when his gal used his name. Only a true moron comes on a blog and screams "Identity Theft" for his lady vowing to be his not only in bed but on paper as well (in public eyes for those that cannot read between the lines, sometimes I wonder how you imbeciles think you are authors to begin with.) This young lad, if you want to call him a lad at all, seems to have issues and a marine, I do think no true Marine would condone what he comes on here and says or does. Matter of fact from experiences with American Servicemen, they would be more likely to kick his ass then toss a beer back with him and pat him on the back as a buddy of theirs.
    But is he the scapegoat or the detour item of the week, Jackie and Lepplady, the two pocket pussy lovers are too bloody quiet. Grapevine rumors are that Jackie cannot pay for services rendered, (I wonder if those services rendered include a man stopping by and asking for multiple favors or if it is another woman- inquiring minds would love to know). Honestly, I think it is neither but the Kitty has her tongue and she cannot speak for herself.

    1. It isn't the kitty that has her tongue more like Lepp. Or maybe it's Cindy. Or Sabrina. Someone is running the show other than Jackie. She tells one person one thing another something else. Do you really think for a moment she's not kidding Tabethas ads trying to make up for all her mistakes Jt brainwashed her into. At least that's the story I hear.

      Did anyone see the post from Cindy on the Dark Storm page. Jackie allows her authors to do such things. I'm no publisher just a reader and author but if I was that woman wouldn't have a job. That is completely unprofossional. And isn't one of the Dark Storm authors signed with Jackie? While they still have work with Tabetha? How does that make Jackie look. But I bet you anything she's still signed and the poor author that got suckered into signing with Jackie is in for a rude awakening. Jackie should do the right thing and tell that author to continuing to publish their work with Dark Storm. If she cared at all for Tabetha as she has said that should have been the first thing she did.

      I guarantee that Tabetha would never go behind jackies back and take one of her authors but seeing it was good for her then it's good for Tabetha. Jackie sweetheart wake up and remove your head from lepps ass. She's going to take you down just as she's done everyone else. Hell Leah didn't even do anything and we see what's happening there.

      You profess your love FOR a cyber bullying hate bashing liar. You really want to be associated with the likes of that? I feel sorry for you.

      The truth is slowly coming out about Lepp and when her ship sinks I hope your not on it.

  24. Yeah tell me for sure if you want screen caps of Mr. Eric Henley here accusing me of being you he's being a massive dick about it and all these lovely messages from months back of him working for Tabetha? Ok. Bring it you want to THREATEN me for something I don't even do kid? Alrighty. I stayed out of this but if you're going to start this then go ahead be my guest i'll let everyone see how stupid and ignorant you can be. I have ENOUGH going on in my fucking life that i do NOT need your bullshit.
