Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reader's Choice

Ok so I have touched on a couple different subjects. Now I'm going to let my readers decide what I post next.

1.) Uncover piece by piece the publishing company that Lepplady is protecting.

2.) Giving a publishing company a bad name without truthfully knowing who or what they are just by an author residing in that company.

3.)Dive into blackmail.

4.) You name a topic.

 I hope that I  have let those you come here in hopes to call me out as Ms. Tabetha Jones see that I really, really am not her or a sock puppet. I am an author who has a personal issue with someone taking my writing putting it on a butcher block then destroying it without ever once reading it. Then blames a company for it! Never taking responsibility for making others take it out on the ones she calls that companies victims. That blog is running sacred as I expose information I have from a few fellow authors that are just tired of the crap!

XOXO Book Inferno!


  1. You know, no matter what I have said towards Tabetha or her company. Nor anything that has come from the other authors or Lepp for that matter that spews of such ignorance as what you just posted. Sorry if I offend, Tabetha's mom has just freaking past. And you are putting this shit out there. How heartless are you. Hell I can't stand the woman for what I believe she has done towards me. But I have enough kindness and respect not to stir shit in ANYONE'S time of sorrow. No matter what you wish to bring to light. What you have shown to me at least is that you are just willing to stir the pot to see how much it stinks instead of showing respect to a family who has lost their matriarch.

  2. Whatever you post about, let's see some facts to support it, not just venom. Seems to me if you cared about Tabetha as you say you wouldn't be starting shit. You would respect her families crisis and let sleeping dogs lie for bit. To me this is a blatant slap in the face to the Jones family in their time of need. SHAME ON YOU.

  3. I have to say to both of you that time and time again you have slapped Ms. Jones in the face as she was dealing with an allying mother. SHAME ON ME? Are you F****ing kidding me. SHAME ON YOU ALL!

    Did you not think that the crap you put Ms. Jones trough did not effect her entire family yet time and time again Lepp and the likes of you two brought it. Oww and you brought it good. I am stirring the pot? I believe that I have not allowed a post calling her and her mother well I wont even speak the words he called them period. But Lepp has had no problem letting that comment by one Eric remain on her blog even to this day. Yet here you both sit criticizing ME?

    I'm glad to see that my simple post about a different company none of which belong to Ms. Jones has brought about the shameful feelings you try to put on me. That at least mean that you two are not the cold hearted haters you clam to be over at Lepp's blog. As a matter off fact I have spoken with Ms. Jones. See I don't need a fake profile to get insider information like your dear Leppy. No I get it straight from the source. I'm not out to harass but let the truth out. I have also talked with Ms. Raine about the company that has been put on the black list due to buying out a company that you all got as you put it 'scammed from'. A simple young lady taking authors on that have been black listed also as myself once way. So please, please tell me again where I have disrespected The Jones family in my words listed above.

    Come off your high horses already if you don't like what I post go away no one makes you all troll!

  4. I will say it here too fuck tabetha and her mother. The world Is better off with those sorry bitches. You've never met nor been in a relationship with the bitch. I on the other hand have and it was the worst 2 years ever. I'll drop all of the sluts i mean tabethas wrong doings here too. Oh that's right you pick and choose what shows up on here isn't that right tabetha. Its easy to get info when you're talking to yourself. Come at me if you want it will be the worst mistake you ever fucking make.

    1. WOW!

      I let this go through just to prove I don't pick and chose what goes trough. However Eric it is my blog so yeah I can pick and chose....I struggled weather or not to post this but then I wanted to prove my point and to show you all why this person shows up on Lepps blog. He is Ms. Jones EX Scorned Lover that loves to trash talk her. I have to say this, if it was so bad why did it take you 2 years to get out? I can also tell you Eric I could give a crap about your personal issues with Ms. Jones. I see that Leppy has brained washed you into believing that I am Ms. Jones and I can tell you like I keep saying I AM NOT HER..... AS for the "worst f***king mistake I make", well I have made quite a few so I guess adding one more to the growing pile wont hurt.
      Eric let me remind you I'm not Ms. Jones nor am I her sock puppet. I also am not Lepp were I will allow you to trash my blog with your malice. Stick to my topics and I will post your comment's if not Keep that shit over on Lepp's blog. You may DROP what ever you feel here but this blog is not about her or her old company its about more then that. As for the information I'm getting it comes from every author that Lepp has ever publicly named on her blog. You don't like that blame the archives and Lepp. I guess Lepp should have thought that one trough when she cast our names out letting her followers, sock puppets, minions, cronies, etc black list us, I mean after all she put our names out for you all to help us the victims. Yeah what a lot of good that did us. You simple minded shits never read a damn post unless dear Lepp post it or comment's on it. Then the drivel that spews from her mouth makes us sick! Siting high and mighty at her blog telling us all how she wants to take down scamming companies while having two tucked behind her back. I have seen in this business that when you get cocky that's when you have the most to lose!
      I do seem to be getting lots of traffic here either seeing what I have posted or making comments. I have been called a cunt and have had my readers told not to hear me out. But I think that's because people here and over at Lepp's know that I just might have something worth saying that doesn't make me a hater but the fact finder.
      Good day to you
      ~ Raven

  5. Blah blah blah dirty slut is all i hear coming from you. If you choose to sensor shit tabetha then why run a blog at all? As for scorned ex ha! that's fucking hilarious. Let me guess oh he hit me in front of my daughter. Lmao whets the fucking proof of anything you or Katrina put here. End the games you dumb bitches and go away. Both of yall have already been caught up and both are still trying desperatly to hide the fact that both of yall are just fucking stupid.

  6. ? Why I ask do you degrade women? Your language speaks for it's self. As for hitting Ms. Jones I can only see that the proof you display here lets us all see that you have very uncontrolled anger! So I guess if you did or didn't it would be no surprise to me or use I should say.

    I just don't get how your pathetic ramblings get you anything. It makes you look like a deranged lunatic. You are rude, destructive, abusive with words, have no respect for yourself or others, the list could go on from your examples' here and on Lepp's blog.

    I have to ask why you and your merry band of misfits believe so highly that I am Ms. Jones or now this Katrina?
    I can say that one of the few fellow authors I speck with is Katrina. She did try to get you all to hear her out about Kinship Press but yet again she has to give physical proof.

    Thanks to that comment Lepp made to her I have that proof. I mean why would someone want to give anything to a person who disrespect's all authors in general. Until you have proof that I am not who I say I am then watch yourself. Don't think for a minute I will allow you to make my blog something it is not. It amazes me as I sit here that you call me a slut. I also don't get why it pisses you off so much that your sorry excuse for gentlemanly behavior can be censored. But again as I am not Ms. Jones and you all have no idea who I am you have to name everyone who ever came on Lepp's blog to stand up for her. You have missed a vital thing here on my blog and that is I have no side. Having no side I can sit back and watch you HATERs bounce from one name to another. Its quite funny actually that you stoop so low as to call a lady the names you do a lady you have no idea who your talking to for that matter. So here this is for you

    1. I forgot did you miss my new post of cynics and critics if not I suggest you read it. It explains a lot of you and your friends behavior.

  7. It shows clearly with his attitude that gets off on degrading women and knowing Tabetha as well as I do didn't go for it. But Eric has always been jealous of me even when it wasn't about women. Of course any woman he feels threatened by he's going to call them a hoe or a slut. Well I'm sure the owner of this blog may have a few things to say you people don't want to hear but I know all things Tabetha. I know she isn't Tabetha and Tab doesn't have time to be all the people you claim her to be. She's mourning the loss of her mother and Eric if you feel like that towards Darlene then she didn't find you worth her time. Darlene was like a mother to me. I think it's fucking wonderful my babes has people telling the real truth not some hate site going for her destruction or punishment. Tab may not be perfect but she's not what that fucking hate site has made her out to be. And to exploit children that's even more sickening. I hate being anonymous doing this but Tab and her friends will know.

  8. Now this is more of what I like to post. The truth! I believe if everyone stays tuned to my blog posts, which will trickle with truth to book and authors ordeals will see that I have a lot more to say. I don't believe in taking it all in one fell swoop no I like to take it slow. Or as some have called it placing my chips all in one basket/bag.
