Thursday, March 26, 2015



Demands, hate, blackmail. When does the evil web end? Before or after the spider laying her eggs die? Too much is not enough… Yet the psychobabble continues until both sides shed their skin as we waite with batted breathe to see what lays underneath.

Crazy, sick or just curious clutching at the lens of that microscope.

We want to know everything even when sometimes it’s best not to wake the unknown. So the question really is when it will be ENOUGH to quench our thirst on this story. We are not journalists yet we analyze depicting a life that really was pardon long ago. Yet the “Deal Maker” changed her promise with a direct hit less than three months later. Why, well she wanted to...

The “Deal Maker” continued with her blog tearing authors apart because of their choices so said “be demand you authors who chose to defy me…. You did this to yourself” The “Authors” pull themselves up from the dirty ground trying to fight the “Deal Maker” but she is no match for them as they creep back under the rocks and scorched foliage they so desperately wanted to rise from, making their dreams come true… But at last as the Raven spoke to a tempered author. “Rise from the Ember’s you sweet dear” As this newly named Ember rose she looked to the scorched Woods with limbs full of Ravens ready to take to the fight. “On this day I will stand for one and all, every author the “Deal Maker” has stepped on in her path to Restitution that had already been fulfilled.  I Ember Ravenwood will keep to the fight only dealing out truths as they come.”

Let me tell you this story with COPY and PASTE evidence that came directly from the source…

Check out the dates...
So Lepp calls Tabetha Jones a Malignant Narcissist but really as the definition lays out it looks like I can throw those word right back at ther Lepp (JT Larson) is a Malignant Narcissist...
 (Malignant narcissism is a psychological syndrome comprising an extreme mix of narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, aggression, and sadism.)
(Sadism involves gaining pleasure from seeing others undergo discomfort or pain)

I see aggression as well as sadism.... What do you all see?
 The "Deal Maker" thrives off the discomfort and pain she causes the authors who just want their Freedom of their Right's represented in choosing a publisher.

Dear  "Deal Maker" You might think you are the winner in breaking us down right along with Tabetha. Just remember that we have all be broken once. As you cross your heart living with no regret we wear a smile not showing that we have been hurt by this. Sometimes the left behind feel like the only one but we were born to try we are only human after all. So I lay my hand on the left behind... yeah we all know how it feels to be forgotten for awhile...  I am here and I will not look the other way making it easier for you if I run. I am done being forgotten , I want to smile as I release the pain you have caused.

~ Ember


  1. Let me get this straight Tabetha did everything she promised and Jt Larson still goes after her. WHo the fuck cares about everyone else, let them fight their own battles or do they need Leppy to be mommy for them too. Reality check Lepp you are busted and there is proof in black and white not all hearsay from your minions and ex employees from Tabetha. When they all start showing proof as Ember has then maybe I'll turn my head and have a good listen.

  2. I would like to say this is the first "wave" or "Boom" as I was threatened would happen on outing who I am. I believe my family, my name as well as my career would pay something of that nature. But Dear Lepp or as I have dubbed her "Deal Maker" That ship sailed when you so graciously strapped my name to your blog post right along with a few of my close friends. You posted a group of authors for your puppet to do with as they pleased for game, sport just because you hated Tabetha Jones... I had never did one thing to you and yet I got tossed in a dirty infested river that you go nicely made for me and my friends. You say that we make our own beds to lay in when we chose her to publish with or just be a friend with. But it looks like you tucked us into tarnished sheets before we even hit the publish button. I hear you want Tabetha in Jail but Lepp just watch what you wish for because this Blackmail scheme you committed will land you there first! And they wont let you wear your Bellatrix Lestrange costume either I believe Azkaban Prison was more thread baron gowns then the nice laundered pants and shirt you will get.

  3. I do have that FB message between Lepp and Tabetha were Lepp says that it was not enough and Bitch its on I quoted before it was game on but that was due to the games Lepp was playing with Tabetha I only ever saw the bird win in Sylvester and the Teedy bird cartoon... That cat always bunched himself in a mess leaving a trial Tweedy knew to stay a way from... Looks like your Tabby cat kept proof to help catch the bird...

  4. Denise here,
    Oh Drats! I posted on the wrong one, well it all goes together I suppose. I hope someone can answer me questions. Too many twist and turns about all this. I am sure a underlying story of truth exists. Chow!
