Friday, February 27, 2015

Delusional or just Pure Hate?

Delusional I say, but that is my opinion.
 How my post can create such a monster is beyond me. But even know she is still saying she know for a fact who I am expressing it in her lasted post. I didn't laugh like I normal would have because the subject matter in which she tried to debase me! This is said that ones obsession can lead to mind altering manifestation. But trust me everyone she know who everyone is. NOT! Just read for your self the garble of a true stalker!

She has this to say:
Lepplady on said:
A little birdie tells me that Tab’s mom was put on life support a couple days ago, and it isn’t looking good. I’ve talked to her mom, and she seems like a sweetheart. My prayers go out to her, and I ask that yours do, too.
I’ve got to say, if my mom was on life support, I know where I’d be. They’d have to get the national guard to pry my ass out of the hospital. But where is Tab? Trolling my blog, creating this fake ass company and making up new fake names online.
What a heartless fucking bitch.
Before you know it, she’ll be blaming me and all the stress from the “slander” “lies” and “hate” of this blog for her mom’s declining health, without stopping to think that since every word on this thing is the absolute truth, SHE’S responsible for every single bit of it.
I can’t help thinking that it wasn’t too long ago when I lost a member of my family, Tabetha cackled like a hen, claiming responsibility for it because she sicced her Voodoo practitioner on me. Called it “karma” if I recall. And now that one of her own is ill, she’ll lay that at my doorstep, too. She just can’t take responsibility for a single thing in her miserable life. Can’t even be bothered to stay with mom in the hospital because she’s too obsessed with trolling me.
Authors, co-conspirators, anybody associated with Tabetha Jones… If this heartless wretch doesn’t even care enough about her own mother to stay with her in the hospital on life support when any moment could be her last, what makes you think she gives a shit about you?
Think about it.

Oh but it gets better as she continues to say that I am Ms. Jones

Still saying you’re spending your time with your kid and not obsessing over me?
Okay. Explain this. Nine hours ago, you post an empassioned plea asking for prayers, just a few hours after I did. I guess trolling here and seeing that reminded you that you should do the same. Gotta TRY to look like the weeping, concerned little daughter, for appearances sake, don’t we? Never mind that you can’t keep my name off your lips long enough to do it. Must taste really good, you keep it there so much. Can’t resist reinforcing the lie that you’re not calling the shots at DS, either. The two things most important to you. Me, and your lies. In that order, apparently.
Yet 8 hours ago, after begging for time to deal with the (impending) loss of your mother, you’re posting your own happy little hate blog. Book Inferno, not only on your own profile, but also on Destiny’s at EXATLY THE SAME TIME. But you’re still saying you’re not Destiny, right. Thought so. Dedicated to taking down little ole me, the authors here, and the publishing company that she hears lurks in our midst.
Still wanna say how you’re taking care of your darling little family?

Who is obsessing over whom? It then goes on to post my very first post on this blog! WOW how low can a person who says they don't hate this Ms. Jones go. I mean I know who I am but she doesn't. However like I said in the post before she will look at her list of names and only go with Tabetha Jones. Oh, she just wants to keep her from scamming people and authors.
I'm interested in hearing what the owner of Dark Storm Publications has to say about the negative feed she is getting.  The negativity that is unwarranted due to that fact it is not Phoenix Fire Publishing. It is Dark Storm!

This was not an intended post but to see how cruel some can be. I do not know Ms. Jones personally. I hope her mother finds strength and comfort when her daughter can be with her. From experience as a single parent, yes I would never leave my mothers bed side but if my child needed me my mother would rather me take care of them.  There would be nothing I could do but cry and remember the best of what we had of our time from birth to the present. Love her even after her last breath. My mother wouldn't want her grandbaby to see her that way, but for me to make the day a good one for them even as I feel like drowning. That is what a mothers love teaches you.

This crap you spew to your audience makes me sick. Letting a little girl be called a whore basically and yet you don't bat an eye. I read that this whole blog of yours became after Mr. Jones wronged your daughter. I ask what would you say or do if someone called your daughter what you have hers. I can tell you it would have been just as conflicted and nasty as she has to you don't you think. What kind of people go around bashing children for sport.

I have nothing more to say other than I AM NOT TABETHA JONES!!

XOXO Book Inferno

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Standing up!

It may come to no surprise that authors write for themselves and their fans. They put it all out there on the line knowing that critics can be harsh more than cruel almost. But what happens when the publishing company you write for gets an enemy?

  Here we go:

Well for starters you get harassed by the person who really wants to help you! Yet the whole time they smear your name, your image and your book through the internet. Why because they are trying to get the word out about the publisher you are doing business with. The cause to take down the company and person running it has the opposite effect. You personally have been marked!

To say marked lets be clear we all understand that there is a right and wrong way to handle business. As most we authors try to be professional, but there are always those times were we as a person not the writer for company nor the public figure we try to maintain. We take it personal. We are human and in that nature we hurt, we bleed and we take it to heart. You the enemy the hater of the company I write for have then taken something from me, from us!

You don’t hear a word we say, see the blood we bleed nor the tears we cry. Yet the damage you inflict is our fault. “Our fault?” “Your Fault” says the monster you have become, taking all we have tried to be as an author as a person dreaming of what we could have.

You my dear enemy are a dream snatcher. You’re the worst kind of person. A person who knows no bounds and see not what they have done. Because to you, you are in the right and anyone not falling in line with your thinking has become the subject of your torcher!

You may have had a personal vendetta against the company I will not name here because in a way this post is not about them but the damage your hate has caused me and few fellow authors. Authors who had it all taken from them not by the company but by you and your friends that follow you all the way to Goodreads leaving false reviews and Amazon who has seen your book buying ways.

Authors are banding around the country trying to get Amazon too get rid of their 7day return policy on eBooks. Because people read the book then return it taking money from our pockets. That dear friends is a Book Thief!

And yet here I sit as you go through names and the only on you ever lead with I hear is Tabetha Jones. I can in all honesty tell you that I am not her! This post is one of the first to touch this subject but not the main reason why I created this blog. As I watch a blog from time to time to see the key posters. I also see and know from a fellow author it has a publishing company hiding in its mist.

One that is known personally and that my lovelies is my next target.

XOXO Book Inferno